Einstein Industries - 6 Reviews - San Diego Ca 92121

It is alarming to see that online scams have reached new levels. Einstein industries is a San Diego based company which scams people in the proper name of doing business. My experience with Einstein industries had been the worst ever. I had contacted them for a nearby dentist's appointment. Initially, they treated me very professionally and politely. I was wondering why I hadn't contacted them before. They arranged my appointment with a nearby (so-called) dentist. I asked them to share his contour, but they replied in a professional way, "Don't worry sir! He is the all-time dentist in the town". They charged me $5000. I paid more the average fee, hoping for meliorate treatment. When I visited that (so-chosen) dentist, I realized that something was wrong. The person was immature and he didn't even wait like a dr.. Just I shrugged abroad my thought past considering how Einstein industries could do anything wrong to its customers. The (so-called) dentist started his handling. He wanted to replace my dental cap with a new i. Instead of pulling the crown out, he broke my teeth into pieces. You lot can imagine how painful my experience would've been. Indeed, it was horrible. Even a medical pupil tin care for patients ameliorate than that butcher. I left the chair half treated. I had realized that he was non a dentist and he will destroy my jaw further. I called my friend who, thank god, was at home. He rushed there and took me to his dentist in San Diego, a 20-minute ride from my place, where the medico treated my remaining work.

No response to my complaint

Later facing two days of pain in my teeth, I filed my complaint on the Einstein industries helpline i.e. 8663493996. They recorded my complaint and promised me to return my money within a few days. But that didn't happen. They blocked my number. I tried to contact them with other numbers and heard from them that they didn't accept any record with my proper noun. Then I realized that I had been scammed with my own consent. Subsequently I searched online reviews of people about Einstein industries, which I should take done before. It was amazing to read all reviews. Non but me but many others were likewise scammed. They had scammed doctors, spider web developers, lawyers, and even their own employees.

Fooling doctors

Einstein industries want to make a fool of everyone and fifty-fifty doctors are not exemptions. They charge doctors and promise them huge returns. Dentists and cosmetic doctors are in their priority listing. I myself have interviewed a medico who became prey of Einstein industries. He is a cosmetic doctor in San Diego and he had been contacted by Einstein's sales team. They showed him artificial pictures and graphs of other doctors to whom they had gained huge returns. They had placed a variety of packages in front of him. Namely bones, standard and premium. After a follow upwardly of one week, the dr. had agreed and opted for the premium one at the cost of $20000. They charged him in advance and promised that his sales will increase gradually and in iii months he will be earning twice of what he was earning already. One calendar month passed with no increment. The doctor called to Einstein industries and told them that there was not any increment in his practice. They tackled him past replying that,"sir it's merely the get-go month. Many of our clients have witnessed increments in their sales in the third month of their plans. But nosotros are 100% sure that you will run into an comeback at the end of the next calendar month". The second month as well went and they told him the same thing as their justification. The doctor told me that he got convinced every fourth dimension he called to their team. Later on the 3 months when he called them, it was astonishing to know that they had blocked his number besides! He realized that he had been scammed by those bastards. He went home and found the contract in order to file a example against them. But his lawyer told him that it was not a proper letterhead on which they had made a contract with me and no law volition exist able to bring his money dorsum from them. In a nutshell, he had lost his $20000 and a precious fourth dimension period of three months. If he had hired a real team, his electric current earnings would have been doubled.

Einstein – web scam

As well doctors, Einstein industries also scam people in the field of web development. They charged them highly and didn't render them the product they desired. In my research about Einstein industries, I met a blogger who wanted to make his ain website for online blogging. He told me that he was searching for online spider web developers. And during his search, he institute Einstein industries and contacted them. Upon my request, he unfolded that their behavior was very professional and they told him that they had hired the best possible squad in their network. He further told me that he only wanted a unproblematic website where he will be able to collaborate with his clients directly and where he tin show his work to his clients as sample pieces. The Einstein industries' sales squad tried to convince him for the premium package which was very expensive for him. Later he opted for the standard package in which they offered him multiple pages, buttons, and space to annal to. They charged that guy $10000 and a fourth dimension period of two weeks. Afterward two weeks when he contacted them they had asked him for further 1 week. Finally, after three weeks of waiting, they provided him the substandard web site. When he opened it, he was shocked to see that it was of sub-par quality, clearly not what he had bought. The things they had promised him were not even visible on the forepart page. The buttons and slides were non according to his demand and its archive was not functional. They had charged him for gold and provided him garbage. He complained to them on their number and they promised him revision. Subsequently one calendar week and several complaint, now his number is on their cake listing also. They don't remember him and they didn't accept anything in their database with his name. At present he is feeling lost. He has lost $10000 and a whole month. Meanwhile, he had lost many clients attributable to not focusing on his work. It was the worst experience of his life and he suggests other bloggers stay away from Einstein industries. They are fraudsters. They are selling garbage in a glittering plastic embrace.

His experience fabricated me realize that I'one thousand non the only victim of these scammers.

Others' experiences

Einstein – refund my $15000

This complaint was written on seventh June 2019

I want to make people aware of Einstein industries who robbed us recently through one of their packages. I had purchased their law services for my tax returns. They had charged me considerably and had promised me that I will save thousands of dollars, legally, through their police force consultant. I was happy that I was going to save my hard earned money. They told me that a tax lawyer volition visit me at my home and volition take all the necessary documents for the filing of returns. Afterwards one week, a tax lawyer came to my house and took all the copies of necessary documents including receipts, etc. I told him that my revenue enhancement redemption date is nigh and I need a quick work done. He tackled me by saying, "don't worry sir! It's our duty now. Nosotros will handle it very professionally".

Later on the terminal date, I called my tax lawyer and came to know that he had been unable to finalize my revenue enhancement returns within due time and I had to face up a huge fiscal loss. I cancelled my contract with Einstein industries and asked them to return my dues which were of $1500. They asked me for some other service in exchange for the due corporeality. I didn't want to have any work done by them. So, I asked them to refund my amount. They asked me to file a detailed complaint and a asking for refund. I did so just later came to know that they had deleted all my records from their system and now they have put my number in their cake list.

I am a professional man. They think that they can fool me then easily. I will go to court and file a complaint confronting them. They volition have to render my money back with the compensation.

Everyone around here who is reading this, I want yous to be aware of Einstein industries. They are scammers and they loot people by selling online dreams. Don't fall prey.

Test any online product before paying

Let me be honest about the fraud that Einstein industries is doing with professionals. I am a civil engineer and I own a construction business firm. I had hired Einstein industries for my firm'south promotion.

Information technology had been agreed that they will promote my firm through social, electronic and print media. They had charged me in accelerate with more than than the average rates of other firms. I had read Einstein industries' online reviews. There was a iv-star rating of Einstein industries which was enough for me to trust them blindly.

Information technology had been agreed that they will do the marketing of my business firm for half dozen months and it was assured that later that information technology will begin generating results for my business. I was busy in my contracts that I couldn't focus entirely on Einstein's projections towards my firm. Just a few ads were passed in these iii months. I had enquired their team about what are they doing and where is the condition of my firm. They handled me by saying that information technology has been only 3 months and they have started receiving inquiries about my firm. This was just an excuse for me.

But I trusted them again and started waiting for the time of seeing results. Every passing mean solar day was increasing my curiosity. Simply a few people chosen me and asked most my services. Merely none of them made any contract with me. Afterward I came to know that information technology was their tactic to fool their clients. They were not organic clients only it was Einstein's team who chosen me from different numbers.

They had charged me enough and provided me with nothing.

Please be vigilant before making any contract with Einstein industries. They are a fraud and they are using the web to loot innocent clients.

Call back, exercise not pay annihilation in advance. Kickoff, test them in every aspect and only so pay their dues.

Don't trust Einstein

I will advise everyone that they shouldn't trust Einstein industries. They are frauds. And they are adulterous people through doctors, lawyers, and web developers. They charge highly and provide very substandard services. I had hired their service for my wife's corrective surgery.

They showed me simulated pictures of ladies with before and after surgery. My wife was very anxious to take her surgery. They told us that nosotros will be treated past the all-time cosmetic surgeon.

My married woman paid a huge sum of money which she had saved over the years. She wanted to brand her looks more cute. She used to tell me that she actually wanted a makeover and the surgery would exist perfect for that.

On the day, when my married woman had to go through the surgery, nosotros went there and she wore the operation dress. They took her within the functioning room. They completed the surgery inside a few hours. They told u.s. that it will take a few days for her to have normal looks.

Days and weeks passed on just my wife's status had not go normal. Her beauty degraded with time and somewhen, she had lost her original wait. Now her lips look similar as they have been swallowed. Her eyes got an infection but thanks to Jesus she has recovered from that infection.

It was non less than a disaster for my married woman. Einstein industries charged her lifetime saving to destroy her looks. I have tried to sue them but they hadn't provided me whatever certificate which makes them guilty of their malpractice. They falsely advertised the services of a terrible doctor. I am still trying to get any point on which I will sue them. My wife has lost her original beauty but I don't desire other people to be the next target of Einstein industries.

I will suggest y'all non to go with any visitor which you have not experienced earlier.

I tin't return my wife her looks back simply I am writing this to relieve many others. Don't buy whatever service from Einstein industries.

Run from this company

I am a businessman for xxx years. In my 30 years of feel, I have never dealt with any company worse than that of Einstein industries.

Let me discuss in detail. I had bought their doctoral service for ii week'south gap. Instantly I had to move to some other city for my business work. I could not nourish the md. I had notified them earlier ii days of my appointment that I am unable to attend my date. Therefore, I want my paid fees back. They tried to convince me that I should make my date on some other twenty-four hours. My business concern bout was so long that I did not feel it comfy to have a month-long appointment for a minor treatment. Therefore, I had asked for my fee refund.

It was alarming when they refused my request past saying, "sorry sir! It is against our policy. The amount once paid can never exist returned in any circumstances."

It was shocking news for me. Who are they to violate state police force? Because according to our law, if a client is not satisfied or willing to retire any service, he volition exist returned his money back. I thought to sue them but subsequently I realized that they had not provided me whatever letter or proof against the payment of my fees. Not even a receipt.

Well, I have lost my $1500, but I will request you to avert Einstein industries in any circumstances. They are robbers and they are finding new ways of robbery.

Employees' experiences

Upon surfacing internet, it was revealed that Einstein industries is treating its employees unfairly as well.

For details, pictures are fastened.


Ghost employees' reviews

Einstein industries team is and so clever that in club to make their reputation practiced, they have hired persons, whose work is to delete negative complaint from internet and they continually post 4-star to five star rated comments well-nigh their company using ghost employees. No information most the employee is provided and they are painting a positive epitome of Einstein industries. But as yous know the truth can never be hidden. At that place are many complaint which couldn't be removed by them.







Einstein industries has an immensely sharp and upwardly to date scam team. They have learned robbing skills to fraud innocent Americans. Their victims include civilians, doctors, businessmen, women, content writers, and fifty-fifty their own employees. It is impossible to judge them before experiencing them. They have a media jail cell which publishes favourable reviews on the internet simply to track innocent people. It is my advice to all of the readers, non to rent Einstein industries fifty-fifty not for small work. They are a highly expensive and highly substandard service provider. At least do non pay them annihilation in accelerate.


Source: https://www.defaulters.com/scam/einstein-industries/

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